New Year, new start as they say- and in my case: It's a new year so let's try and publish at least one new blog post this year. New Years resolution. And here it is:
The months of January and Feburary are always an exciting time for film buffs and buffettes- why? because of all the lovely, polished and always (always) well deserved multiple award statues that are going to be handed out to a small collection of the same actors and actresses for a tiny selection of films which have been released from October untill January.
Thanks to the Guardian,* I have been able to compile a list of the six popular films, which have been nominated for all (okay, most) of the categories running in all the award ceremonies:
1. "Django Unchained"
2. "Skyfall"
3. "Life of Pi"
4. "The Hobit: An unexpected journey"
5. "Lincoln"
6. "Les Miserables"
Now, two important questions: Is anyone really surprised about the selected nominees? NO: and er would anyone like to bet that if Baz Lurhman had released his upcoming masterpeice adaptation "The Great Gatsby" (2012) now instead of Summer 2013 that he would also be in for the running? It is as if, as soon as these films were released they were automatically propelled into award winning status.
The lack of surprise continues as the Oscar Nominees are being released this very second. See Telegraphs live feed update. Don't get me wrong- I am very excited for the release/ going to see all of the films mentioned/ going to be nominated, but it has to be said- the whole 2013 season is, so far, very predictable.
*Names of nominees may change (unlikely)